Vacation + Drywall = One Less Room for Alice to go Through......
Quick Summary:
Someone go out of the country for a while? Feel like a minor reno to remove a room from the house? or how about an Alice in Wonderland door?
Was it Successful?:
No results yet....please be patient as we await the perfect time to pull it off....
The Plan:
- Someone goes on vacation
- Go buy some drywall, mud, paint
- Take off their bedroom door (maybe the border around the doorway as well?)
- Seal the entry way with the drywall and mud
- Paint it to make it look seemless...hopefully the same color as the existing paint.....
For a twist, you could put in a really small door into this new "wall". No I don't mean the bottom (or top) half of a full sized dutch door (although doing just the top half would be fun), but I'm thinking like Alice in Wonderland style door....You could even make a small tunnel that goes 10 feet to another door (thats of course a bit smaller).
The Result:
A big small surprise for that person that went on vacation for the last 3 weeks....Be prepared to help reinstall the real door though :)